Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog day

I love groundhogs or "groundies" as I like to call them.  I never saw them until I moved to New York and I get so excited when I see them :)

Well, word on the street is we will have 6 more weeks of winter.  I can only hope that it's 6 weeks of the mild winter we have been having (fingers crossed)

I'm taking a Pilates class at school because it counts as a wellness elective.  It is such an awesome core workout!

I posted a new youtube video today about my braces.
I've been "braced" for about a month now and today I got new wires, colored ligatures, a band around a molar, a spring to keep space for a future implant, new placement for elastics, and 2 brackets replaced...WHEW that was a lot!